Beschreibungen und weitere Infos
Volkmar Schara
Sempervivum 'Tutti Fruity' hat mir sofort gefallen. Die frisch grünen Rosetten, mit den schmalen Blättchen bilden schnell dichte Polster. Die roten Blattenden heben sich deutlich ab und verleihen der Pflanze ein ganz knuffiges Aussehen. Eine wirklich einmalige Züchtung!
Craigiehall Nursery
The brightest of green rosettes in summer but starts in spring with a red flush on the outer leaves. A fairly recent small/medium-sized introduction that quickly makes nice clumps. Some people discount the green varieties - if it's not their thing, fair enough - but they are missing out. These brighter greens like Tutti Fruity bring a clean, natural colour to a mixed group and really enhance the overall effect. Of course, other people are especially drawn to the green ones .....